People have been keeping journals for more than a thousand years. Marie Curie, Frida Kahlo and Courtney Love all famously kept journals. Tim Ferris calls journaling “the most cost-effective therapy I’ve ever found”.
What is it, exactly, that compels people to keep journals and track their day-to-day lives? And why should you use a period tracker and journal when you’ve already got so much on your plate?
The science-backed benefits of journaling
Numerous studies have shown that journaling can reduce overall levels of depression. How amazing is that? Instead of simply letting negative thoughts run rampant in your mind, journaling allows you to engage with your thoughts and determine whether they are true or false.
It gets better! As well as helping overcome depression and anxiety, journaling has also been shown to promote gratitude. It allows you to reflect on all the good things in your life. Which, in turn, enables you to be grateful.
And it shouldn’t come as any surprise that journaling also improves overall memory function. When you journal, you are both recording and processing the events of a particular time period. Which helps you to retain those memories for a significantly longer amount of time.
So let’s talk period tracking
Be honest babes. How much do you really know about your menstrual cycle? Do you often feel like your period symptoms take you by surprise or are different each month?
One way you can take control of your periods is by tracking them each month with our Period Journal & Tracker.
Taking all those journaling benefits and applying them to you menstrual cycle is a GAME CHANGER. We promise.
It only takes a couple of minutes each day to complete, and by jotting down how you’re feeling, along with the date and day of your cycle you’ll quickly start to feel empowered and prepared.
You’ll track not just your bleeds but also your moods, libido, appetite and sleep pattern.

There’s 3 daily journaling prompts, with 365 pages to go at (a whole year of you).

And, we’ve included everything we know about periods (because knowledge is power) and scattered in positive quotes to give your day a lift.
Periods have seasons, just like nature
As you become more in tune with your body, recognise fluctuations and be more prepared throughout the month. By consciously and attentively looking back over your Period Tracker & Journal, you’ll be able to see clear patterns. This can help you make the most of your high-energy moments, as well as schedule self-care when you’ll need it most.
For example, when I’m in my Winter phase, I get tired. I feel unsociable and I want to retreat to my room. Pre-tracking I would punish myself for feeling like this and make myself push through. I would feel like the biggest arsehole and I would hate on the bloody period (pun always intended). Since tracking my cycle and journaling on my mood, energy levels and self-care practises I allow the physiological process to happen, I do what my body is asking me to do. Rest. Withdraw. Put off stuff that can be done tomorrow and I don’t judge, because I know that it’s not me. It’s a process outside of my control and I know that spring is coming.
Made to WEO standards
We poured as much love into the design of our Period Tracker & Journal as we did our reusable period pads. Paying attention to every detail and giving it a luxurious finish to help you elevate period self-care routine.

And you needn’t worry about the eco side of things, we’ve even got that covered. The paper used for this Period Tracker & Journal is FSC®Carbon Balanced recyclable and printed by a Carbon Balanced UK Publication Printer which is one of the highest statements of environmental integrity and credibility, who are FSC® accredited too.
We really believe in the power of period tracking and journaling, so to help as many people as possible get started we’re now our Period Tracker & Journal is now being sold with a saving of £10 making it only £5.50 while stocks last!
Your discount has already been applied, you don’t need to do anything babes. Simply add the Period Tracker & Journal to your basket and start taking pro-active steps towards a better physical and mental health.