Let's Educate
If you follow us on our social platforms or have seen and heard (yes, Lauren’s been on the radio!) some of our recent media coverage, you will know that Wear ‘Em Out has recently a launched a new campaign.
We are passionate about giving women and people who period a choice. A choice that benefits, their health, wallet, and the environment. Yet, it’s a choice that very few young people are even aware of.
Reusable period products.
It’s a choice that very few know about because their school isn’t educating them on the variety of options available.
Not ones to sit around on our (Wear ‘Em Out padded) bottoms, we decided that if
there is ever going to be a change, we need to make it happen. For the good of the planet and our health.
So, we took the ball by the horns and we started a petition to the Government.
We want them to change the curriculum and make it mandatory to teach young people about reusable options when they talk about periods at school. We’re not saying that everyone should use reusables necessarily, but that
they should be given the information they need to make informed choices.
If you haven’t done so already, please sign our petition here – and please share the link with your contacts to help us spread the word far and wide.
Reusable period products have been mainstream for nearly two decades, yet most schools are still not teaching their students about reusable period protection.
In our survey, we found that 41% of individuals learn about periods at school and that most people are aged between 31-40 years old when they make the switch to reusables.
If the average age of starting periods is around 12, that’s 18 years where reusables are not being considered as an option.
Let’s break that down – that’s £2,160 spent on reusable products and 4,752 disposable products thrown into landfill by just one individual.
If we can make the future generation go seamlessly into eco-friendlier periods before getting dependent on disposables, imagine what a huge impact that would have.
We feel that we have a responsibility to ensure that our young people receive all the information they need to be able to make informed choices.
And when we say ‘we’, that means you too. As parents,
teachers, educators, and key influences in young people’s lives, we have a responsibility to give the next generation the information to make decisions and choices that are right for them.
It’s really important that these youngsters are being given the right information. To make it easy, we’ve created an educational resource that teachers (and anyone else) can use when talking to them and help strike up a much-needed conversation around periods.
Our education kit is packed full of the why’s, the how’s and some useful resources, and a sample demo kid or our reusable pads to be handed around in the lesson, to help educate your kids on the benefits of reusables, allowing them to make informed
decisions when the time comes.
Our school demo kits are just £15.00 + £2.95 P&P – order yours today by emailing hello@wearemout.co.uk from an education email.
Let’s get this conversation started!